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Stellar Retrievers, LLC - Blog


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Duluth Retriever Club Hunt Test

August 02, 2019 by

Wow! What a great start to the 2020 Hunt Test season!

23 Stellar dogs were entered and 22 passed!

Special congratulations go to Scott Baker and Gary Witherspoon, Scott handled Brennan for the first time and came away with a pass. Gary handled his new partner Major for the first time and passed as well. Proud of you two guys! Bill Teague handled Cinder, his trusted friend, to a pass and Lee Hanes handled Caper, her young super dog, to a pass as well. Lee also was kind enough to take all the photos as I am at home on Puppy watch. Way to go group. Nathan Proske and Jack were busy handling Kiker, Hitch, and Mia, owned by Joal Harper, Gigi owned by Matt Kaplin, Rowdy owned by David Dyslin, Maverick owned by Jeff and Karin Parker, Sammy owned by Shy Anderson, Goose owned by Phil and Linda Shimerda, Sassy owned by Carol Davis, Pearl owned by Wayne and Dede Paterson, Laney owned by Ben and Allison Wallace, Lion owned by Mary Ellen HAMILTON, and Cody owned by Gary Witherspoon. Nathan and Jack also passed their personal dogs, Trigger, Lena, Tori, Baylee, and Mariah. Thank you to all our valued clients for trusting Stellar Retrievers with your talented dogs.

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Southern MN Retriever club HT

July 25, 2019 by

Stellar Retrievers congratulates Allison and Ben Wallace on Laney’s Master pass at Southern MN Retriever Club’s event July 26-27th. Laney received her Master Title and qualified for Master National in Cheraw SC. Thank you Allison and Ben for trusting Stellar Retrievers with your dog.

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Mississippi Headwaters Retriever Club HT

July 21, 2019 by

Congratulations to all the Stellar dogs and their owners who passed the Double Master Tests this past weekend at the Mississippi Headwater Retriever Club Hunt Test. Nathan Proske passed Laney, owned by Ben  and Allison Wallace, and Jolie owned by Bob Owens in the Friday/Saturday Test, and Cody owned by Gary Witherspoon in the Saturday/Sunday Test. Cody earned his Master title and qualified for Master National, and Jolie qualified for Master National. Thank you for trusting Stellar Retrievers with  your dogs.

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North Dakota HT

July 14, 2019 by

Stellar had very good results at North Dakota HT. The tests were challenging and the weather pleasant. Congratulations to Matt Kaplan owner of Gigi, Gary Witherspoon Cody’s owner, Ben and Allison Wallace, Laney’s owners, Jack Erskin, Mack’s owner and Stellar Retrievers Mariah on their dogs passing the Friday/Sat Masters. All Stellar dogs passed the Sat/Sun Masters with Rowdy, owned by David Dyslin and Mariah receiving their Master Titles and qualifying for MASTER NATIONALS. Matt Kaplan’s Gigi qualified for MN with the Sat/Sun pass and Goose owned by Linda and Philip Shimerda received another Master pass. Jack and I want to thank all the owners for their confidence in our program.

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Minot Retirever Club HT

July 04, 2019 by

Congratulations to all of our Stellar dogs who passed the Minot Retriever Club Hunt Test in North Dakota. Rowdy owned by David Dyslin, Cody owned by Gary Witherspoon, Goose owned by Linda and Philip Shimerda, Laney owned by Ben Wallace, and Mariah owned by Stellar Retrievers. Special honors went to three very talented dogs who earned their Master Title AND qualified for the 2019 Master National, Mia owned by Joal Harper, Sammy owned by Shy Anderson, and Tori owned by Stellar Retrievers. Thank you to the owners who put their trust us. Update: Congratulations to Wayne Paterson and Pearl on their Master pass on 6/29 which qualified them for Master National and Pearl received her Master Title. All Stellar dogs passed the mid week Minot Test. Jack and I are very proud of our competent handlers and their talented dogs.

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